PTAHrchive #2: The Jewelry Industry's Dirty Little Secret

Posted on July 15, 2014 by El-Aton Georges | 0 Comments

If you had to choose between art painted by hand or art made by computer software, which of the two would you say has greater value???

Obviously most would say the item with the human touch because inherently we recognize the effort and talent it takes for people to create quality art.  However in the jewelry industry there has been a stampede toward computer aided designs or CAD to handle jewelry design. Many celebrities are spending top dollar for jewelry which has little or no human contact at all in designing it. 

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Posted in Jewelry Design

PTAHrchive #1: The Making of the Largest Ankh Ring on the Market...

Posted on May 05, 2014 by El-Aton Georges | 0 Comments

We connected with a great new client who wanted a personalized custom Ankh XL ring similar to those we make for Legendary Songstress Erykah Badu.  She had been looking for the company which made Erykah's rings for years and we were glad we finally met.  We suggested she go even bigger and bolder than what we had done before and she was more than happy to let us.  We were given basic guidelines but this client was so confident in our design taste that she allowed us to really do something special for her. This was the largest Ankh XL ring we have ever done. 

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Posted in African Jewelry, Ancient Egyptian, Ankh Ring, Ankh XL Ring, Custom Jewelry, Erykah Badu, Jewelry Design, Kemetic Jewelry, Large Ankh Ring


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